The DOLE has issued Labor Advisory No. 11 series of 2020 and the Inter-agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Disease has issued Resolution 11 series of 2020. Both direct how workers can enter or exit the National Capital Region (NCR). This requires a Certificate of Employment. In this article, I'll show you a template which you can use for your teams.

The important portions of the Certificate of Employment are:

  1. It shows that the employee is currently employed with the entity that issued the Certificate;
  2. The place of work is within the National Capital Region (NCR); and
  3. The employee is residing outside of the NCR.

Suggested Format

Here's a simple template which covers all these. Just be sure to fill in the portions in bold with your details and you're good to go:

Certificate of Employment

This certifies that NAME, with home address at ADDRESS is currently employed by COMPANY with the position of POSITION and is assigned at BRANCH ADDRESS.

This certification is issued to allow the employee to travel between their residence and workplace in light of Resolution No. 11 of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Mangement of Emerging Infectious Disease.

Signed, SUPERIOR (date of issuance)

Some tips on implementing this

I'm foreseeing a lot of questions, so here's an FAQ (with some tips):

1. Best that the Certificate is "official"

There is no specific format for a Certificate of Employment. That being said, please endeavor to issue an "official"-looking certificate. Why? It will minimize any doubts whether it was legitimately issued when presented at the quarantine checkpoint.

Here are some things to consider that helps give legitimacy of the certificate and therefore reduce problems:

  • Company Letterhead - better to treat the Certificate as an official Company Document and issue under the Company Letterhead.
  • Properly authenticated - Certificate is better if it bears the original signature of the superior or manager, not just a stamp or a seal.
  • Original copy is preferred for presentation - If you're going to present a certificate, it would be best if you can present the original versus a photocopy.

2. Pro-tip: Have it laminated so the certificate lasts longer

Since the certificate will be presented at the checkpoint over and over again for the foreseeable future, it may get torn or dirty over time. Would suggest that you laminate the original so that you can keep using it over and over again while the quarantine is in place.

3. Supplement the Certificate with a Company ID

The certificate is required to be presented with a Company ID. This makes it easy for the people manning our checkpoints to validate the information.

The Company ID should:

  • Contain the company address and the residential address (this is required!);
  • preferably have an updated picture of you for easy comparison; and
  • preferably feature the company name (and logo) which is the same version used in the certificate of employment.

What if you don't have a Company ID?

Well, this may be a good time to request it from your HR or head. This will definitely make things smoother as you go thru the checkpoints. Be sure to consider the items listed below if you're having it made just now.


So that rounds up our tip for the week. Hope this template is helpful to you guys. Will be supplementing this with articles to help you deal with the Covid-19 issue.