A loved one has just died. There are properties left behind. Do you have any idea how to get started?
Losing a loved one is a terrible experience…especially when the loss is sudden, unexpected and possibly preventable. Because of the pandemic, we’ve been losing so many loved ones, grandparents, parents, uncles, friends, cousins, acquaintances. These days, we seem to be extending condolences to our Facebook friends and acquaintances at least once a week.
When there is a loss in a family, the last thing we want to do is think about inheritance, settling of their estate and moving on with our lives. But at the end of the day, settling their estate can’t be avoided.
Our question for today comes from Sarah C. who asks:
“Attorney, my grandfather just died. And my mom and her siblings (who are all in the US) have assigned me to take care of transferring everything to us including 3 properties. I don’t know what to do. It seems like there’s so much I need to do and I feel overwhelmed. Do you have any tips on what I should do first? How I can start this process? ”
If you or your family is in a similar situation as Sarah, stay tuned as we answer her question.
This video was brought to you by the Estate Settlement Guide. The fastest way to orient surviving family members when a loved one passes away. You will learn the basics of succession to know who can inherit and how much. It will guide you through the next steps your family needs to take so you don't incur penalties and you transfer the property to the heirs properly. Protect your family legacy! Avoid unnecessary penalties! Go to info.legalguide.ph/estate to learn more.
What you will learn when you watch this Estate Settlement Episode
Welcome to Legal Guide Philippines where we simplify the law to help you make better choices. I'm Atty. Ramon Ramirez and I'm with my partner, Atty. Erwin Zagala.
So today, we're talking about estate settlement. Particularly, we’re talking about what Sarah can do first. Because she’s right! There seems to ba a lot to do and she’s feeling overwhelmed. So Atty Ramon, how can we help Sarah?
- Determine the Deadline
- Determine the extent of the estate
- Determine who are the heirs
- Appoint a Point Person/Someone in charge
- Consult an expert or Engage a Consultant
Additional Resources
If you want to learn more about Succession and Estates, please go to info.legalguide.ph/estate to learn more.

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One last thing...when a loved one dies, estate settlement is the last thing we will want to think about. We are still at the grieving stage and all of a sudden, we are forced to shift gears and move on. To make matters worse, the process isn’t simple and can be daunting.
But this is something that needs to be accomplished, however complicated it may be. In accomplishing a big project, start with knowing what you are really up against. Knowing your enemy puts you in a better position to fight it. Now, “The road to anywhere starts from where you are.” And to start, all you need to do is to take little consistent steps to move in the direction you want to go. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for support. Asking for support is not a sign of weakness but actually a sign of strength.
So wasn't that simple? Now go make better choices